
South Estonia

Aasa Guesthouse

Do you know the song about the Viljandi boatman?

The romantic Aasa Guesthouse is located on the shores of the same picturesque lake. While renovating our lovely main house, we have taken into account and preserved as much of the old house's features as possible. The gueshouse has cosy double and triple rooms, each unique and special.

From the summer of 2021, we also offer accommodation in the new triple-room courtyard house with balconies overlooking the picturesque Lake Viljandi. On the first floor of the building there is a party hall, which is perfect for organising seminars and parties for smaller groups.


South Estonia

Opening times

1. jan - 31. dec

An advanced bookings only


Aasa tn 6, Viljandi linn, Viljandi maakond