Welcome to the Media Centre
Find inspiring story ideas and resources to help you share Estonia as a travel destination with the world!
From its long summer nights and surprising fifth season to its centuries old charm fostering tomorrow’s tech talent, Estonia has a spellbinding ability to flex its space and time, so it’s tailored to you. Its compact size and effortless accessibility means whether you’re here for a weekend or for weeks, there’s simply more time to connect to the place and its people. A place that connects Europe with the East and Estonia to the world. A place that fuses Nordic, Baltic, Scandi and Soviet. A place that’s taken the best of each chapter, to write its own unique story. A place that helps you to understand your own place in the world. A place that, for a lot of people, isn’t even on their radar. But it’s about time it was.
Visual material hub
Have fun visualising Estonia!
- All visual materials on Vimeo.com/visitestonia and Brand Estonia can be used to promote Estonia. All materials are downloadable.
- Assets cannot be used in paid advertising, except with permission from Enterprise Estonia (EAS). If you can't, determine whether the usage is in accordance with the terms and conditions of use, please send an e-mail to the following address: martti.volt@eas.ee
- Materials cannot be used in advertising campaigns and marketing activities that are directed to sell a certain product or service in Estonia.
- When using an asset, you must give appropriate credit by referencing the author and Visit Estonia.

Get in touch with media team
The Visit Estonia media team is happy to assist you with story ideas, interviews, press trip ideas and general information about Estonia for your news and features.
Jana Kutšinskaja
Head of International Media
Liina Hallist
Project Manager of International Media
Gregor Alaküla
Project Manager of International Media
Jane Skripitsõna
Social Media Specialist. Requests: Social Media cooperations and influencer trips
Diana Aljas (On maternity leave)
Project Manager of International Media