

The Cathedral of Saint Mary the Virgin in Tallinn and its bell tower

At Tallinn St. Mary's Cathedral (1233), you'll find gravestones from the 13-18th centuries and coat of arms epitaphs dating from the 17-20th centuries.

The most famous people who have been buried in the church include the Swedish military officer Pontus De la Gardie and his wife, the Swedish King Johann III's daughter Sophia Gyllenhelm, and Admiral Samuel Greigh. The visitors can climb the cathedral's 69-metre baroque-style bell tower and admire the view of the city.

The tower can be visited only in case of fine weather and when no concerts or religious services are taking place.
A donation should be made for a visit to the church. For visiting the bell tower, a ticket should be purchased.



Opening times

2. jan - 31. dec

Tue-Sun 10:00 - 16:00


Toom-Kooli tn 6, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond