Vormsi Farm Museum
Vormsi is an island where Swedes lived for centuries. Documents show that there was a settlement as early as in the 13th century. Vormsi was a Swedish-speaking island, where, for example, in 1934, 2,393 Swedes and 122 Estonians lived.
Vormsi Farm Museum is a typical pre-World War II farm of Estonian Swedish people. The farm has been restored with the help of old photographs, written sources, and the memories of the people of Vormsi who were born in Vormsi and fled Sweden to escape the war.
The museum sells Vormsi handicrafts, souvenirs, and Vormsi-themed books.
Opening times
30. june - 17. aug
Mon-Sun 11:00 - 17:00
18. aug - 14. sept
Wed-Sun 11:00 - 17:00
15. may - 29. june
Wed-Sun 11:00 - 17:00
15. sept - 30. sept
Sat-Sun 11:00 - 17:00
Pearsi, Sviby küla, Vormsi vald, Lääne maakond
+372 53088320