
South Estonia

The 'Jõmmu' barge

The Jõmmu barge is a timber vessel for transporting goods, the likes of which sailed on Estonian waterways from Hanseatic times until the mid-20th century. Jõmmu sails on River Emajõgi, Lake Peipus, and Lake Võrtsjärv from the start of April to the end of November.
Trips on the barge can be booked for groups for a range of events, including seminars. Jõmmu departs for smaller groups as often as possible, and its schedule can be found on the homepage.
Coffee and tea is offered, you can use a projector, order catering, a history or nature guide, an accordionist, or carry out different workshops.


South Estonia

Opening times

1. april - 30. nov

An advanced bookings only


Ujula tn 98, Tartu linn, Tartu linn, Tartu maakond