
South Estonia

Ruins of Helme Order Castle

The ruins of Helme Order Castle are situated on a steep slope by the Pärnu-Valga road. The castle is thought to have been built in the first half of the 14th century. Parts of its walls with their distinctive window openings remain standing today. Legend has it that a young virgin was entombed within its walls in order to further strengthen it - whether there is any truth to the story is up to visitors to decide! Over the centuries the castle has been governed by Germans, Russians, Lithuanians and finally Swedes - who destroyed it in 1658.

Did you know...?
*In the valley below the castle is the Doctor's Spring, whose waters are said to cure seven different ailments.


South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Valgamaa Kutseõppekeskuse, Helme alevik, Tõrva vald, Valga maakond