
West Estonia

Rebastemäe hiking trail

The Rebastemäe hiking trail is located in the oldest part of Hiiumaa and the whole Western Estonia, on Kõpu Peninsula. 8,000 years ago, this was just a little island of the size of one square kilometre in the middle of the open seas.
While hiking on the trail, it is possible to see different forest types and observe how the light and moisture conditions on the dunes have affected the formation of forests. There are several stairs and two observation platforms on the trail, from which beautiful views unfold. The circular trail is 1.5 km in length and is marked and provided with information boards. The hike takes about one hour and can be completed without getting one’s feet wet.

West Estonia


12136 Puski-Kõpu-Ristna tee, Kõpu küla, Hiiumaa vald, Hiiu maakond