
South Estonia

Rebasmäe spring

Rebasmäe spring (also Ilumetsa spring) is the largest floodwater spring in Võru County, Võru rural municipality. You can take a boardwalk to the spring, but before you get on the trail, you have to descend into the valley on the long staircase, and cross the bridge near the Rebasmäe stream. The trail ends at the spring.
The spring water is very clean, contains iron compounds, and therefore has a unique taste and reddish colour. Be sure to taste it!
The Rebasmäe forest hut is near the spring.
Interesting to know: the water rises up to 30 litres per second from the spring.



South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Ilumetsa metskond 84, Rebasmäe küla, Võru vald, Võru maakond