
South Estonia

Monument to the War of Independence in Misso

A monument to those, who fell in the War of Independence, was opened in Misso on 26 May 1935, and the activities of the 1st cavalry regiment in the battles of the War of Independence were immortalised. The monument was demolished in 1945.

The reconstructed monument was reopened on 27 August 1989. The granite pillar placed on a base of quarry-stones is 2.5 m tall. Its main side has the symbol of the cavalry unit along with the text “Here, the 1st cavalry regiment fought in the War of Independence on 19 April 1919”. In front of the monument, there are six granite plates with the names of those that fell.

A monument to World War II is erected only a few steps from the Monument to the War of Independence.


South Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Oravasaare, Kaubi küla, Rõuge vald, Võru maakond