
West Estonia

Konse Guesthouse & Caravan Camping

Konse Guesthouse & Caravan Camping is a family business that was opened in 2002 and the aim of which is to provide its clients good service, privacy and security. We are situated in the centre of Pärnu on the bank of the Pärnu River. It is at a 10–15 minutes’ walk to the seaside, beach or cultural and entertainment sites.
Accommodation is provided in the guesthouse and there is an electricity-supplied and lighted camping site for caravans. There are free Internet access facilities in the Guesthouse and the whole territory is covered by the WiFi area. There is also a café in our facility. As an additional service we offer the rowing boat and bicycle rental and sauna with traditional wood heating.

West Estonia

Opening times

15. june - 14. aug

Round the clock

1. may - 14. june

Round the clock

15. aug - 14. sept

Round the clock

15. sept - 30. april

Round the clock


Suur-Jõe tn 44a, Pärnu linn, Pärnu linn, Pärnu maakond