
West Estonia

Disc golf at the Jõulumäe Sports and Recreation Centre

Jõulumäe Sports and Recreation Centre is a place in the middle of a beautiful pine forest, with plenty of trails and sports opportunities.

Center has three  Disc Golf , or Kettagolf trails. The paths are located in hilly terrain, beneath beautiful pines. All three paths in the are of varying degrees of severity. The yellow track is 18 baskets (3.8 km), the red track is 18 baskets (3.8 km) and the blue track is 9 baskets (1.3 km). Only the red track is open in winter.

Jõulumäe Sports and Recreation Centre, it is possible to rent disc Golf disc sets in


West Estonia

Opening times

Open all year round

Round the clock


Jõulumäe tervisekeskus, Leina küla, Häädemeeste vald, Pärnu maakond