
South Estonia

Tartu Mountain Bike Marathon

The Tartu Mountain Bike Marathon welcomes participants of all ages and skill levels. All three distances take bikers away from the hustle and bustle of the city through the varied landscapes of South Estonia. The course largely follows the famous Tartu Marathon route. The 86- and 40-kilometer distances start in Otepää, and the 21-kilometer distance starts in Palu. The finish line for all three distances is located among the beautiful pine forests of Elva.

The main races now take place on Saturday, and the children's races on Sunday!

You can also join the fun without getting on a bike. Enjoy the exciting start of thousands of bikers, encourage the participants along the route, or cheer them on at the end!


South Estonia


20. sept - 21. sept 2025


Tähtvere Spordipark - Herne tn 67, Tartu linn, Tartu linn, Tartu maakond

Laskespordibaasi, Uderna küla, Elva vald, Tartu maakond

Tehvandi Spordikeskuse Staadion - Olümpiakeskus Tehvandi, Otepää linn, Otepää vald, Valga maakond