
West Estonia

Ruhnu Lighthouse

A lighthouse with a red metal cylindrical tower made in the Le Havre plant in France was erected on Håubjärre Hill, the highest spot on Ruhnu Island, in 1877. The metal tower is more than a hundred years old and still in working order.
Interesting facts: • the height of the lighthouse is 39.5 metres, 65 metres above seal level • it is the only lighthouse of its type left in the Baltic Sea region • the tower was designed by the same engineer who created the detailed plan of the Eiffel Tower (Gustave Eiffel)

West Estonia

Opening times

2. sept - 30. april

An advanced bookings only

1. may - 1. sept

Tue-Sat 16:00 - 18:00


Ruhnu tuletorn 990, Ruhnu küla, Ruhnu vald, Saare maakond