Kick-sled rent at Salamaa in Taevaskoda
Come and spend an amazing day in Taevaskoda!
You're sure to find the right sled for you from among our selection. They're a great way of getting back to nature, as well as getting back in shape! We have traditional Finnish sleds with wooden seats as well as modern, lightweight aluminium sports sleds. There are also special sleds for the littlest members of the family. You can go sledding around Salamaa or undertake a longer trip - there is a 7 km trail through the forest along the banks of the picturesque Ahja River.
After your sledding trip you can use the sauna and grab a bite to eat if you wish.
For families, the little members can sit on the sled while the big member kick it along!
Opening times
1. dec - 30. march
An advanced bookings only
Taevaskoja tee 32, Taevaskoja küla, Põlva vald, Põlva maakond
+372 53456480