Kauksi Puhkemaja cooking experience

You are invited to cook together with friends or family!

Kauksi holiday home offers a unique way to prepare meals.
Pork or lamb and side dishes are prepared for the cooking ceremony.
Natural materials are used in food preparation, e.g. rhubarb or cabbage leaves.
All this is put to cook in a pre-heated pit.
While the meat is cooking inside the land, you can go to a pre-ordered smoke sauna (€180/sauna session) or take a walk along lake Peipsi.

The adventure is also environmentally friendly as no disposable dishes are used.

Minimum group size 10 people and package period: April - September.

Opening times

1. april - 30. sept

An advanced bookings only


Paesaare/1, Kauksi küla, Alutaguse vald, Ida-Viru maakond