
North Estonia

Canoe hikes on River Valgejõgi by Lahemaa Hiking Centre

Lahemaa Hiking Centre, located in Loobu village, was established to promote  a nature-friendly lifestyle and spending time in the nature.
The canoe hike takes place on River Valgejõgi, one of the most beautiful rivers in northern Estonia. The hike lasts 3–5 hours, depending on your wishes. On the river, we might see waterfowl, grey herons, or beaver hills and their traces. If we are lucky, we might see other wild animals on the shores, as well.
All participants will be given a canoe, a life jacket, and a paddle. Instruction will take place on the spot. After the canoe hike, you can spend some lovely time in the cosy fireplace hall and sauna in Hääde Mõtete Maja (House of Good Thoughts) or talk to your friends while sitting next to a campfire.
Come and put yourself and others to the test!


North Estonia

Opening times

An advanced bookings only


1 Tallinn-Narva tee, Valgejõe küla, Kuusalu vald, Harju maakond