
South Estonia

Canoe and kayak trips on Võhandu River

From early spring until late autumn, a canoe and kayak trip on Võhandu River is an exiting way to have fun and gain new experiences.

As an alternative to familiar canoes, we also offer river kayaks. These kayaks are stable, fast, comfortable and safe. A kayak can be easily steered by foot pedals and the paddlers are protected from rain and spray by the deck and the spray skirt of the kayak. Therefore, the weather will not get in the way of your adventure. We offer shorter and longer trips (2-6 hours and 1-3 days).

Price list for water trips and information about accommodation options is available on our website.

Minimum size of the group is 10 people.


South Estonia

Opening times

1. march - 30. nov

An advanced bookings only


Posti tee 14, Leevi küla, Räpina vald, Põlva maakond