
South Estonia

Räpina Song Festival grove

The song festival grove was planted under the leadership of the locals in 1969, on the centenary of the song festival, on the peninsula created by the construction of the Võru Street Bridge (Võru tänava sild). The landscaping work was undertaken by the Räpina Women's and Male Choir, which was preparing for the song festival, with its conductors, and the members of the nature conservation society together with young nature lovers. Each choir singer could plant their own tree.

Even today, many important events start from the song festival grove. For example, on Children's Song and Dance Day, it has become a tradition to start the parade from the song festival grove. As part of this, a rowan is planted there and greetings are given to the participants.


South Estonia

Opening times

All year round

Round the clock


LAULUPEO SALU, Räpina linn, Räpina vald, Põlva maakond