
Travel here & around

Travelling via the country's developed road network and timely train and bus connections, you can cross Estonia in just a few hours

How to get around Estonia

Navigate like a local

Map of Estonia

Weather and climate

The weather in Estonia varies by season. The average summer temperature is fairly mild, varying between 16 and 20 degrees Celcius, but can reach up to 30 degrees Celcius. Summer in Estonia tends to be very light, with 19 hours of daylight known locally as "white nights". Spring and autumn see frequent light rain so bring an umbrella and a waterproof jacket. In winter, the rain turns to snow, and the temperature drops below zero, so wrap up warm.

a couple with a travel luggage

Source: Kertin Vasser

Public holidays

Most shops, banks, and restaurants are open on public holidays — the 25th of December and 1st of January are the only days when most businesses are closed.

1st of January: New Year’s Day. Usually a very quiet day after celebrations.
24th of February: Independence Day. Celebrated with the military parade in the morning and festive family dinners in the evening.
Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Commonly known as lihavõtted or munadepühad in Estonian. Celebrated by springtime (dairy-based) treats, eggs, and folk festivities.
1st of May: May Day. The night before (Walpburg night) is celebrated with parties and folk traditions.
23rd of June: Victory Day. Celebrating a decisive battle in 1919 during the War of Independence
24th of June: Midsummer Day. Commonly known as Jaanipäev. Celebrated with bonfires, concerts, and festivities taking place all around Estonia. One of the most important dates in the year for Estonians.
20th of August: Day of Restoration of Independence. Celebrated with national festivities, events, and family gatherings.
24th December – 26th of December: Christmas.

bonfire at festival

Source: Priidu Saart


Estonia is a safe country with low crime rates. In busy urban areas, as in any country, you should look after your belongings and be aware of pickpocketing. It is required by law for pedestrians to wear a reflector in Estonia due to poor visibility on high traffic roads across the country. Reflectors come in lots of attractive designs and can be purchased for a few euros in supermarkets and souvenir shops.

Tap water is safe to drink all across the country.

Family walking in telliskivi area

Source: Virgo Haan

Medical information

It is advisable to purchase travel insurance before a trip. Residents of Europe should check if their healthcare provider has a contract with the Estonian Health Insurance Fund. If so, you should also obtain a free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before leaving. The EHIC isn't a substitute for medical and travel insurance, but it entitles EU citizens to state-provided medical treatment on the same terms as Estonian nationals.


Estonia is an EU member country and part of the Schengen area. Please consult the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for a list of countries requiring visas and details on applying. If you do need a Schengen area visa, you can apply at an Estonian embassy in your country of origin. If there isn't an Estonian embassy or consulate in your country, you can apply at the office of a Member State representing Estonia for issuing visas.

People with disabilities

Major commercial carriers and hotels in Estonia have all been equipped with accessible entries and facilities. However, it’s always good to double-check before arriving.

Elron trains in Estonia have priority seating (marked with international symbols) for people with limited mobility and there is a wheelchair spot in the C-area that is equipped with a safety belt and an SOS button. Passengers in wheelchairs can board the train using the "C-area" doors, including a fully automated adjustable step and a button to open the door that is designed for use by a passenger in a wheelchair.

Estonia's must-know facts

Important info ahead! As you plan your trip, keep these facts in mind for a safe and enriching experience in Estonia!

Official language

Estonian, with English widely spoken


Euro €

Emergency number

112 (all emergencies)

Time zone

GMT +2 in winter and GMT +3 in summer

European Union membership

since 2004

Country dialing code

00372 or +372

Plug socket

Type F, with voltage of 230V and frequency of 50Hz

Travelling with a pet

Your pet must have a passport and a chip. Must be healthy and vaccinated. Full details: Estonian Agriculture and Food Board

Tipping in Estonia

10% is the typical gratuity for exceptional service

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